October 23rd, 2009

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What a Crock

Friday, October 23rd, 2009

The past week has been damp, dark, wet, and cold.  My clothes, and more importantly boots, are barely drying out between workouts.  Not ideal conditions by any means, but fall is still my favorite season and I’ve actually been enjoying the recent weather.

Check out Donovan Dums‘ blog for the report on our successful hunt Wednesday afternoon.  For a guy who’s particularly secretive about where he hunts, I’m always surprised that he named his blog after his favorite place to hunt.  At any rate, it’s a great site and definitely worth checking out.

Last week, my CXC teammate and roommate, Brian Gregg discovered that we have a Crock Pot in our kitchen.  The Crock Pot has always been on a high shelf and pretty much got overlooked during the past three years that we’ve lived here at Cresthill Resort.  That is, until Maria Stuber used the Crock Pot to make awesome pulled pork sandwiches at our last camp.   Since then, Brian’s been using it to make all kinds of meals: Maria’s pulled pork, homemade chili, and beef chuck roast.  The Crock’s sure made coming home after the cold, dark, wet afternoon workouts much more enjoyable.

Chuck roast, brown rice, and fresh bread - all part of a great fall harvest.

Chuck roast, brown rice, and fresh bread - all part of the fall harvest