First Pancake Throwaway

Written by Garrott on November 17th, 2010

The Rendezvous ski trails in West are groomed and ready to go.  We got out for the first skate of the season (well, in the Northern Hemisphere, anyway) this morning and I went for a chill classic ski in freshly groomed tracks this evening.  Even though the trails are in good shape, there are hardly any other skiers in the neighborhood. . .this will surely change soon.

Compton cruising the Rendezvous Trails. Photo: Jay Richards

Jake Richards joined us for our skate this morning.  Jake’s a high school junior, Minnesota mountain bike phenom, and  rippin’ Nordic skier.  He recently won the Short & Fat at Chequamegon, but more impressive was his win the next day in the bunny hop competition. . .

Jake Richards. Photo:

Those are some ups!  Needless to say, it was awesome to have Jake join us on the ski today.

Jake & Kuz - photo: Jay Richards

My classic ski at the end of the day went longer than expected and I ended up on the trail well after dark.  While I was out there I briefly ran into another skier, rockin’ wool knickers and big beard, cruising through the woods with a headlamp.

Going in opposite directions, I commented:

“Pretty sweet night for a ski.”

He responded:

“Not bad for the first pancake throwaway ski of the year!”

He was gone before I had the chance to inquire what that even meant, but somehow I have to agree with him.

Not bad for the first pancake throwaway ski of the year.


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